We are so glad you are here

Rekindle Me is a safe haven for people who work in service to others and feel disconnected from their purpose and passion.

Here you are valued and appreciated. Here you can pause, take stock, recharge, reconnect with yourself and find new ways to rekindle and sustain your fire. 

Join Us

28 August 19.00-20.00



  • Life In Flames

    In moments of panic and distress find ways back to calm, centre and resourcefulness.

    Tune into yourself and understand your needs in these moments.

  • Burnout

    Are you overwhelmed, disconnected from others, unable to see the way ahead?

    Learn restorative practices that support grounding, connection and energy cultivation.

  • Find Your Spark

    Have you lost your sense of purpose, the passion that brought you into your work?

    Rediscover your passion and ignite your true calling.

  • Fuel Your Fire

    Exhausted by the end of your day, with nothing left to give?

    Explore ways to generate, tap in to and sustain energy.

  • Burn Brightly

    Ready to shift and live in alignment with your purpose?

    Bring together your unique passion and energy to inspire yourself and others.

  • Being Luminary

    Share your light. Light the flame in those around you.

    Discover ways to effectively share what you have learned.

Rekindle Me Retreat

30 October 7pm,

6 November 7pm

& 13 November 7pm

Sign up Here*

£149 for all three sessions

Why Rekindle Me?

The Problem: We are overwhelmed, exhausted, the lights are going out in our eyes and our hearts. Those of us who work in service of young people, especally teachers and social workers are faced with feelings of separation and isolation and this is endemic. It has become ‘normal’ not to really connect with others, or ourselves. Kindness, Kinship, and Compassion feel unattainable when we are stretched to the limit.

The Solution: We must create place and space to thrive together and within ourselves. We need communities of Kindness, Kinship, and Compassion to move out of overwhelm and burn out, beyond healing and towards empowering and life-affirming energy. We are growing a wise, considerate, and generous community with strong values and boundaries in which we can guide, coach, and learn thrive and be happy, together.

 Teachers in Crisis

40,000 working age teachers quit state schools in England last academic year. Over 30% of teachers who qualified in 2017 are no longer teaching 5 years after they qualified. 78% of UK school staff reportedly experienced mental health symptoms due to their work in the past academic year.

Teacher vacancies have increased by 20% to 2,800 in November 2023 from 2,300 in November 2022, and more than doubled in the last three years from 1,100 in November 2020. Temporarily filled posts also increased; from 2,100 to 3,700 over three years. 

Young People In Crisis

Children in poverty are more likely to have poor mental health and are at higher risk of psychological distress, they are more likely to experience poor physical health in childhood and later life.

Children from the lowest income families are less likely to achieve the standard benchmarks at age 11, make slower progress in secondary school, and are much less likely to attend the most selective higher education institutions.

On avarage 9 children in every class of 30 are living in poverty (4.3 million chidren accross the UK).

Child Services Social Workers In Crisis

39% of social workers experience burnout each year and 75% of social workers experience burnout over their lifetime. In 2021-22, 5422 social workers left the profession according to the DFE. This was a 9% increase on the previous year, and a 21% increase on the year before. A quarter of social workers leaving the profession had been in their job for less than ten years. 

There have been high increases  of reports around burnout, stress, trauma and moral injury following the pandemic andn as a result we have lost around 187,000 working days.

Young People In Crisis

In 2023, over 403,000 children were classed as in need of help and just under 51,000 children were on protection plans.

Children who are abused and neglected at home are more likely than their peers to do badly at school, to have behaviour problems and to become victims of bullying.

The study also says that children who have spent a year or more in care, and are more likely than their peers to have suffered maltreatment, are more likely to fail their GCSEs; 8% of youngsters in care achieve five good GCSEs, compared with a national average of more than 50%.

Rekindle Me is for people at risk of leaving or have already professions that have a direct and positive impact on the life outcomes of disadvantaged young people. We work with individuals, groups and teams to develop practical tools and techniques to improve wellbeing, support recovery, reconnect with passion and purpose and discover more sustainable ways to be the impactful human beings that you are doing amazing things that transform your life and the lives of others. 

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